VAL'S JOURNEY  Southport 17 October 2010

Val with Pastor Barry, giving her testimony.

The 17th October 2009 was not just an average Saturday for Valerie, a local resident of Southport and regular member of Southport Adventist Fellowship. Although Val, as she likes to be known, looks forward to every Sabbath, this day in particular was special - she had been looking forward to it for months. It was the day that she had decided to be re-baptised into a new life in Christ. In doing so, she also rejoiced in the fact that she would be formally joining a worldwide fellowship of like-minded Adventist Christians.

Her journey had been steered by diligently studying her favourite book.  If you ask her, Val will agree it’s always hard to name a favourite verse in the Bible, a book that contains so many gems.  Although many verses come to mind, one that stands out for Val is Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” 

Val, why is this one of your favourite texts?    Well, it stands out because the Lord shone his word into my life and my heart and guided me back on to the straight path of truth. He brought me out of darkness into light and delivered me – setting me free that I can be a blessing to him and also to bless others who are seeking to know the truth about God and what He wants to do in our lives.

Why did you choose to get baptised? Why is such a decision important?    I chose to be re-baptised because I was convicted by the Holy Spirit that I was not really the committed Christian that Christ wanted me to be. I had been feeling uncomfortable, almost hypocritical, so after a lot of soul searching and repenting, I realised I wanted to commit my life afresh to Jesus.

  Val, firm in her decision to re-commit her life fo Christ

So, was this your first experience of baptism?   No! I was first baptised into the Mormon Church in 1979, but then I was led towards the Baptist Church two years later, where I continued to attend for some time. However, I came to realise that I was not truly keeping the commandments of God, in particular the fourth one, and I felt it was a very important decision personally for me to be re-baptised and follow all of God’s commandments. There is no hiding the fact that this is something that I can only do with His help and grace. Although life is never easy, I want to obey and trust Him as he is blessing me in so many ways!

So what led you to the Adventist Church?     I came to truly know Jesus through my reading of the Old Testament, learning of Jacob, Joseph and other patriarchs and prophets. This led me to the knowledge of what I had been missing – the personal knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. I did not know who I was and did not feel like I belonged to any church or denomination.  In my mind, I asked God lots of questions, about Jesus and about the New Testament. I was never really satisfied with the answers that I received from other places that I had visited. As a professed Christian, I was unhappy and had no joy or peace. So much so that I decided to stay away from church altogether for 18 months. I kept seeking answers and I did not want to compromise. I decided to look for a church that also kept the fourth commandment, God's instruction to ‘Remember the Sabbath day’. In early May 2009, He led me to the Adventist Church in Southport, where I am accepted and loved for myself. Since then, I’ve been on a journey of discovery – a real rollercoaster – challenging and relearning, truly seeking God. I’m excited to know more about what Jesus wants me to do for Him!

You mention that God is blessing you.  Where does your journey go from here?    My journey can only be onwards and upwards.  I do not know what God has planned for me but I wait on him to show, guide and direct me. I ask Him daily for wisdom and to lead me in the path that he has chosen for me. But hang on! I know it will be very challenging - of that I am very sure! There are so many times when I know I will be tried and my faith in Jesus tested, but I look up to him continually, praying for strength, His grace, love, wisdom and deeper understanding of His Word. 

God bless you Val in your journey with Christ!


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